Learn Vilom Shabd. then you may want to start by learning its translation into English.There are many different translations of this word, as well as many meanings in Hindi. Here are some examples.
The opposite of Amrat, Vish, and Ek is Safal. Thus, learning a word’s meaning is important when attempting to learn Hebrew.

Vilom Shabd in Hindi

Listed below are some examples of words with opposite meanings.
Here you will read more about Vilom Shabd in Hindi. So, make sure to stay till the end!

What is Vilom Shabd?

There are two main types of Vilom Shabd: complementary and anonymous. In this article, we will take a look at the examples of both.
You may have heard about Vilom Shabd ( विलोम शब्द ) before, but what is it and how does it differ from the English word?
The word “antonym” comes from Greek terms originating in the Middle Ages. The word “anti” indicates the opposite of “Onoma.” Vilom Shabd is the polar opposite of a synonym.
Both nouns and adjectives are examples of Vilom Shabd.
vilom shabd ki paribhasha kyaa hotaa hai
The Hindi phrase for ‘vilom’ is’svaarth’. Vilom means ‘awesome,’ and in Hindi, ‘kise kahte hai’. In this case, it is a good idea to remember’svaarth’ when speaking of the vilom shbd.
If you want to learn the word ‘vilom’, look for’shabd’ in the word’s opposite. For example, if you are saying ‘amrat’, ‘viprîtaarthk’, you will say ‘viprîtaarthka’. Or, you can say ‘vinom shabd’ and’shady’.

Vilom Sabad Study Notes

If you are thinking of taking the TET exams and want to know how to crack the Hindi section, Vilom Sabad study notes are a must.
There are several different study notes available for TET as well as teaching recruitment exams.
There are two main sections that you need to master: General Grammar and Comprehension of the Hindi Language. You can download the study notes in PDF format.
If you are worried about the exam, you can download the study notes for free. 

Complementary Vilom Shabd

If you know the opposite word in Hindi, English, or Hinglish, you can use the word “Complementary Vilom Shabd.”
For example, the words “Amrat-Vish,” “Ek-Anek,” and”Raat-Din” are complementary. These terms, along with the word “complementary,” are sometimes used as synonyms for one another.

Antonym of Vilom Shabd

The opposite meaning of a word is called an antonym. One way to define an antonym is “the opposite of a synonym”.
Examples of an antonym include Amrat-Vish, Ek-Anek, Safal-Asafal, Raat-Din, and Vilom Shabd. You may also see antonyms in the word “as” and “on”.
A word’s opposite meaning may be obvious at first glance, but there are several words that have the same meaning. Vilom Shabd in Hindi
The opposite meaning of Vilom Shabd’s name is’shakabd’, a Hebrew word that means “to be”. This word is also known as a Janus word.
For example, bound, dust, consult, quick, and consult are all examples of antonyms.
Another example of an antonym of Vilom Shabd is ‘kin-kin’. As the opposite of the word “shavd”, ‘as” and ‘as’ are synonyms, they mean “the opposite of” each other.
In Hindi, Vilom Shabd means ‘to be in love and “to be in love. As both are opposite words, they are often used interchangeably.

Meaning of Vilom Shabd

The esoteric essence of God is called Shabd. This word is translated as Audible Life Stream, Sound Current, and Word in English.
It is available to every human being, and all sages have a connection to it.
The Shabd path includes Eckankar, Sant Mat, Surat Shabd Yoga, and the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.
The Meaning of Vilom Shabd in English is: “opposite.” As the term implies, an antonym is the opposite of another word.
The English word “antonym” derived from Greek terms. In Greek, the term “anti” indicates opposite, and “-Onyx” means’synonym’. So, “vilom shabd” is the polar opposite of synonyms.
It is commonly used in adjectives, but can also be a noun or a preposition.
The dvaaraa liNg private is a feminine form of Vilom. It is used as a name for a boy, a girl, or an infant. It is also used as an alternate name for an older child.
The plural form of Vilom is liNg. A person with a dvaaraa that refers to a raat called liNg.

Vilom Shabd Examples

Complementary Vilom Shabd, but, refers to words with a similar meaning but different spellings. Hence, they are called antonyms. Besides complementary, antonymous words have two distinct meanings.
For example, the word night and day is considered an antonym of the word ‘night.’

How to use Complementary Vilom Shabd?

When a word has the opposite meaning, its counterpart is called a complementary word or phrase. For example, the word “Amrat” has the opposite meaning as “Anek.”
But if you want to talk about a person, a place, or an event, you can use the word “Raat” instead of “Vish.”
This principle is known as kin-kin vidhiyoN.
A person who is skilled at compliments is called complementarily.
These two opposites are opposites of each other. A person who knows how to use compliments to express gratitude will appreciate these words.
Complementary Vilom Shabd examples include:

How to use Vilom Shabd in Hindi?

What are the differences between English and Hindi opposite words? If you’re looking to learn Hindi, a great way to improve your vocabulary is to learn the Vilom Shabd in Hindi.
The opposite word is a synonym of the word it means in English. You can find many examples of antonyms by using a list. Here are some examples of Vilom Shabds:
“Kin-kin vidhiyoN se bnte haiN” is a typical example of a vilom shbd. The phrase means “I am close to my sister.”
There are many examples of the vilom Shabd in Hindi. The following is a brief summary of some of the most common Hindi examples of Vilom Shabd. To get a more in-depth understanding of the term, it is important to learn its meaning.
Once you have a clear understanding of the vilom, you can apply it to other situations, including marriage. You should also check out the guide on Meri Fasal Mera Byora
Ultimate, it’s a way to communicate the truth to your partner and to yourself.
There are other common variations of the word vilom shbd. In Hindi, these phrases are referred to as mahilaa kaa vilom shbd, subh kaa vilom shbbd, and udhr kaa vilom shbde.
But, these examples don’t cover the differences between the words acchaa, subh, and udhr, and thus should considered as a guideline for learning the Hindi language.

Opposite words in English

To find out more about the meaning of a word, look up its antonym. Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning from the one they oppose. For example, the opposite word for brave is coward. Also, the opposite word for simple is complicated.
The opposite of the opposite is related to the same root, but they do not have the same meaning.
In English, you can find examples of opposite words by looking up the antonyms list.
In Hindi, we have a similar terms for opposite words: Amrat-Vish, Ek-Anek, Safal-Asafal, and Raat-Din. These are all examples of opposite words and can be helpful when deciding between two words.
When a word opposed to another, the latter word preferred. This is also true in English.
To teach kids how to identify antonyms, there are many ways to teach the concept of opposite words. One easy way is to make children write the opposite word in English. Parents can print out a printable opposite word book and color it in.

Vilom Shabd in Hindi

Or, you can look for examples of opposite words on the Internet. Aside from books, there are also games and activities that kids will enjoy, such as the opposites of low and high.
Another way to learn the meaning of vilom shbd is to read it. The Hindi word means “kin.” This is a form of the opposite. Besides being opposite in meaning, it can also mean “opposite” in English.
The same goes for “contrary” in English. You can also use vilom shbd examples of opposite words in English to learn the meaning of these words.

Vilom Shabd as an antonym

The term “Vilom Shabd” is a semantic phrase with the opposite meaning to another word. This term is derived from Greek terms that include “anti” and “onyx,” which means “opposite”.
An antonym is usually an adjective, but can also be a noun, preposition, or verb.
It is also commonly used in the construction of pronouns.
To define Vilom Shabd, we need to consider its opposite. Examples are Amrat – Vish, Ek – Anek, Safal – Asafal, and Raat / Din.
These words are opposites of Vilom Shabd, and thus are synonyms. It is important to understand that one word is not always the opposite of another.
Hence, if you want to use Vilom Shabd as an antonym, you need to understand what it means. For example, “Kin-kin vidhiyoN se bnte haiN” means “family member,” and “sankshipt vilom shabd as an antonym” means “family”.
It is important to understand that there is no 100% certainty that your search will return the correct answer.
While HinKhoj does keep an extensive list of words, you cannot rely on it. Using it is not an endorsement of the word. Use it as a guide, but don’t rely solely on it for accurate results.
It’s a great tool to learn how to recognize an antonym.


Vilom Shabd in Hindi is a very important topic. If you are associated with Hindi learning then you must be aware of at least 100 Vilom Shabd. This will definitely help you.
So, this was the review on Vilom Shabd. Also read about NREGA Job Card List
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